Meet Stephanie Hogan

Certified ISR Instructor
Registered Sonographer

Serving Columbus, GA & surrounding areas

Hi, I’m Stephanie, it’s nice to meet you!

I am an Ultrasound Technician of 12 years, married for 12 years, a mother of two children, an ISR instructor, and owner of Chattahoochee Valley ISR.

When my son turned 9 months old, crawling all over the place, and with my mom and my mother-in-law having a pool I called every swimming Instructor and swimming facility to see if they would teach kids at such a young age. NO ONE would accept young children till they were 3-4 years old, unless you wanted to go to Mother-Baby classes holding your child 🤷🏻‍♀️ (no classes teaching children life-saving skills). Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under 4 years of age. Why wouldn’t Columbus have swim lessons for younger children?

I discovered ISR (Infant Swimming Resource) and called right away. While we were talking they found out that I have a medical background and asked me to become an ISR Instructor. At that time I was pregnant and working full time at the hospital, but knowing the importance of having these lessons we decided to move forward with my training and become an ISR Instructor.

That’s how it happened! I have been an ISR Instructor since 2017. I now teach swimming lessons to children (6 months to 6 years!) full-time and work part-time as an Ultrasound Tech with any doctors that need help.

Currently, as Columbus, GA’s only certified ISR Instructor, I push to educate people about the importance of swimming lessons and the importance of survival skills.